Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The series "Echo." Looking through the gate fence you can hear the echo of a father and son talking and laughing while they cast; a mother yelling to her children to come inside for hot chocolate after a long day on the water. The cool colors give a serious tone to the photo, but at the same time it is a happy image. 

Small Things Close Up

Self Portrait


Conceptual Self Portrait: I felt trapped under the weight of the chains. I felt locked away, never going to be able to break free. There was no hope for me at this time in my life. Everything looked dark. The contrast between the soft petals of the flower and the stark hardness of the chains and the concrete. It only leaves one feeling in your heart. 

Some School Assignments

Secrets (Texture)
There is texture shown in this photography by the hair of the model and also the leaves filling the walls. THere is also a hidden meaning in her eyes, a secret that she is dying to share. 

There are patterns everywhere we look. This is a perfect pattern, made by God. The colors make it a more upbeat photograph and the composition is strong. 

My Friend Michelle

Keeping Sanity
(Shadow) I staged this picture. I intended to make it look like a girl who is loosing her mind, and is afraid of the dark and what the dark brings. From the dark there are hands reaching for her to take her away. she clings to her sanity as she resists her subconscious playing tricks on her mind. 


For the assignment series i choose to go with portrait shots. these photos were taken with a Nikon D 3000 camera. The use of color make the photos pop and the compositions are strong. The girl's natural and playful attitude make a very interesting shot.